

(60 Capsules)

MegaSporeBiotic, by Microbiome Labs, is a 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic blend made up of five Bacillus spores. This blend is unique in that it is an all-spore formula. Bacillus spores have a bi-phasic life cycle, meaning they remain dormant until they reach more favorable conditions, like the human gastrointestinal tract. Once inside the gut, Bacillus spores activate and go to work, colonizing and reconditioning the large intestine. Microbiome Labs uses Bacillus spores in MegaSporeBiotic because they have been shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function by promoting microbial diversity, supplying essential nutrients, and defending against pathogens.

Bacillus Licheniformis produces various enzymes, like protease, that aid protein digestion. Digested proteins convent to their amino acid components, which are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream and transported through the body. Found in fermented foods like soybean paste, Bacillus Licheniformis has been shown to have anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties. This spore stain stimulates the immune system and produces full spectrum B vitamins, including folic acid and biotin.

Bacillus Indicus HU36 has been used very successfully in combination with other Bacillus spores for the treatment of leaky gut. In one study, 60% of participants experienced an improvement in symptoms after only 30 days of probiotic use. Bacillus Indicus HU36 is a potent spore because it is the only probiotic strain that produces antioxidants in the intestine, making them the most bioavailable. Antioxidants in the intestine reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and support immunity cells and beneficial bacteria. Bacillus Indicus HU36 has also shown to produce the carotenoids lycopene, astaxanthin, beta-carotene, and lutein as well as quinols and vitamins.

Bacillus Subtilis HU58 has a stimulating effect on intestinal epithelial cells, which plays a major role in supporting healthy Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). It has been shown to be a major factor in adaptive and innate immunity because Bacillus Subtilis HU58 helps maintain gut barrier integrity, decreases endotoxin concentration, and reduces gut inflammation. This spore also increases the production of nattokinase, an enzyme responsible for dissolving blood clots. A reduction of blood clots coincides with a reduced risk of stroke because blood vessel structure and improved blood flow are supported. Nattokinase isn’t the only blood benefiting by-product of Bacillus Subtilis HU58. Vitamin K2, instrumental in blood clotting and building of bone, is also produced. Clinically, this powerful spore has shown to improve symptoms of IBS and IBD and is used in treatment of acute/chronic diarrhea and antibiotic associated diarrhea.

Bacillus Clausii is a B-vitamin producing probiotic spore strain that aids immune function by treating and preventing gut barrier impairment. It has been observed to release antimicrobial substances that are imperative in the protection against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, and Clostridium difficile. Clinical studies support its use for treatment of acute diarrhea, and IBS related symptoms, as well as adjunctive therapy.

Bacillus Coagulans supports immune function by significantly increasing the production of immunity cells. It is a standout probiotic spore strain because it produces L+ optical form lactic acid. L+ lactic acid acts as an antioxidant to ward off gut harming bacteria such as Candida albicans. A healthy level of L+ lactic acid present within the digestive tract helps maintain good pH, promoting production of digestive enzymes. Research studies have shown participants who include Bacillus Coagulans supplementation into their diet experienced improved quality of life and decreased bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and the number of bowel movements associated with diarrhea-predominant IBS.


It is recommended to start with ½ capsule or 1 full capsule with food and slowly increase to 2 capsules per day using the following protocol.

Week 1: 1 capsule every other day

Week 2: 1 capsule daily

Week 3+: 2 capsules daily

* If 1 capsule every other day causes side effects like abdominal cramping, loose stools, and undesirable changes in bowel movements, try starting with ¼ or ½ capsules. Remember these side effects may be uncomfortable, but they are a sign that the product is working! Side effects should resolve within 2-3 days. *