

(5.5 oz)

MegaPre by Microbiome Labs is the first supplement made up of non-digestible oligosaccharides sourced from kiwi fruit, corn cob, and cow’s milk. These oligosaccharides have been clinically tested to increase microbial diversity and feed fundamental bacteria living in your gut like Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Akkermansia muciniphila, and Bifidobacteria. These bacteria are normally found in a healthy gut microbiome however their colonies are easily diminished due to stress, diet, glyphosate, and other pathogens. Designed to be incorporated into your diet following MegaSporeBiotic, MegaPre reinforces the beneficial microbial changes to further strengthen the gut microbiome.

A. Munciniphila plays an important role in metabolism. Being one of the most abundant single species in the human intestinal microbiome, research shows population of A. Muciniphila was lower in diet-induced obese and overweight participants. Inversely, healthy weight participants were found to have a high population of A. Muciniphila. This special bacterium has been associated with a decrease in multiple pathological maladies including type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, hypertension, and liver disease.

F. Prausnitzii, another symbiotic bacterium that benefits from MegaPre, has been touted as the “sentinel of the gut”. Found in large colonies of healthy gastrointestinal tracts, this anti-inflammatory bacteria helps keep the gut barrier airtight from toxins. F. Prausnitzii also increases the production of butyrate, a short chain fatty acid that has a profound effect on immune cells. By suppressing specific overactive immune cells, butyrate performs anticancer and anti-inflammatory functions. Low occurrences of F. Prausnitzii, caused by poor diet and lifestyle, often precede diagnoses of human intestinal and metabolic diseases.

Bifidobacteria has also been linked to an increase in butyrate production. Although they are one of the first types of bacteria to grow in babies’ intestines after they’re born, Bifidobacteria only make up less than 10% of the adult human gut microbiome. This essential bacteria digests complex carbohydrates and fibers your body cannot process on its own. A healthy ratio of this bacteria strain has been related to lean body mass as well as reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and chronic intestinal disorders. Supplementation of Bifidobacteria has helped reduce symptoms of diarrhea and constipation and is strongly believed to help prevent infection.

Functional Fibers

Source Prebiotic Fiber
Non-GMO green and gold kiwifruit Fructooligosaccharides
Non-GMO corn cob Xylooligosaccharides
rBST-free cow’s milk Galactooligosaccharides


Mix into 16 oz of cold water or liquid of your choice. It is recommended to

start with ½ scoop daily for one week, then increase to 1 scoop daily

with or without food, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Week 1: ½ scoop daily

Week 2+: 1 scoop daily

* Children under 2 years of age, please consult with your healthcare practitioner. *