

(5.5 oz)

Most people believe that their skin is the only barrier keeping the outside world outside of their body. This is a large misconception. In fact, the permeable mucosal barrier contains 150x more surface area than the skin and, when healthy, seamlessly prohibits passage of bacteria and toxins while permitting movement of water, ions, and nutrient solutes. If the mucosal barrier is unhealthy and compromised, undigested food toxins can end up in the bloodstream.

MegaMucosa is a completely unique mucosal supplement that helps rebuild the mucosal barrier. This first of its kind formula utilizes dairy-free immunoglobulins coupled with a flavobiotic. Clinically used in treatment for IBS, dairy-free immunoglobulins help ensure complete digestion and detoxification while a flavobiotic maintains microbial diversity and short-chain fatty acid production.

Immunoglobulins, naturally produced by white blood cells, are essential for the immune system. Specifically, these glycoprotein molecules target and attach to the receptors of bacteria and viruses. Once locked on, the antibody encourages metabolic destruction of the antigen. ImmuoLin, used in MegaMucosa, is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate. Functions of this supplement include support of healthy digestion, detoxification, and intestinal barrier function, utilization of nutrients, and suppression of inflammation.

Amino Acids play an important role in the production of intestinal mucosa. These acids are L-proline, L-serine, L-cysteine, and L-threonine. The amino acid L-proline is converted into collagen by the body and is used for skin healing. L-serine is considered to have a neuroprotective effect and is essential for the synthesis of phosphatidylserine, a component of brain cell membrane. Possessing strong antioxidant properties, L-cysteine is considered beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and certain lung diseases, like bronchitis and tuberculosis. Lastly, L-threonine is a fat metabolizer, preventing fat buildup in the liver. In combination, these four amino acids have been shown to support mucin2 secretion and maintain mucin cell synthesis in the colon, resulting in a thick and healthy mucosal barrier.

Citrus Polyphenols present multiple potential benefits for the intestinal barrier function. After digestion, citrus polyphenols undergo a transformation that increases their intestinal barrier promoting properties. These benefits include regulating barrier permeability, protecting the mucus layer, supporting intestinal immune system, and diffusing oxidative stress. Clinically, a study using 500mg of citrus fruit extract found a significant increase in short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) composition, suggesting that citrus polyphenols may also help balance the microbial composition in the gut. MicrobiomeX, found in MegaMucosa, is a citrus extract with naturally occurring polyphenols.


Mix into 16 oz of cold water or liquid of your choice.

Take 1 scoop daily with or without food, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.