Peptide Information
INFORMED CONSENT FOR PURCHASE AND TREATMENT WITH PEPTIDES: I am executing this consent to confirm my decision to purchase peptides with Enhanced Wellness, LLC and to verify my understanding of the risks and alternatives to treatment with peptide therapy. The goals and possible benefits of this therapy are to try and prevent, reduce or control the dysfunction associated with the aging process, through hormonal balancing, control of oxidative stress, and stimulating the body’s own innate repair systems. However, I understand that this treatment may be viewed by the mainstream medical community as new, controversial, and unnecessary by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The following are examples of some of the possible minor risks/adverse reactions reported for the peptide therapy that may be prescribed for me. At prescribed doses, there are not expected to be any significant risks/adverse reactions as long as full medical disclosure is achieved from the patient during the total time of therapy. Some adverse reactions may include but are not limited to injection site redness, flushing, transient high blood sugar, development of antibodies peptides, and water retention. These side effects are dose related and usually eliminated by adjusting the dosage. This drug should not be used in patients with known cancer or are pregnant.